Thursday, December 22, 2011

Elephant never forget!

Elephant never forget!
And that is why it was chosen for the icon of a note-taking software, the  Evernote.
I think I am safe to say that elephants do forget eventually, just that they have a much superior memory as compared to other animals. Anyway, before I gone too far into animal facts, lets get back to the main subject of this post.
I begin to use Evernote few weeks ago for note taking (mostly for information from the internet), saving website addresses (in place of bookmarking which only accessible through the computer you bookmarked them - very frustrating sometime), and making to-do list. One very convenient feature about Evernote is that it provide you with an account. Once logged in, you can synchronize your notes created from different computers (in my case, between the one at home and at the office). So you can access your notes, whenever and wherever, for as long as you have access to the internet. Hmm how can we live without the internet if more and more things like this get into our life?

When I started it, my initial plan wasn't actually to get a note taking software. I was figuring how to make a To-Do check list along with the Google Calender (GC). As you know (if you are a GC user) the GC only reminds us about the upcoming events. So, how about the things needed to be done? Depends on your mum? or your wife? Of cause they are often kind enough to keep 'reminding' you about the things you needed to do, by telling you when to eat, when to take both, etc... but... you know what I mean. We are talking about the To-Do list, not those to-do list (although I must agree that they are important too, in fact, the most vital things to do in life)... okay, lets get back to the main track of the post.

As I am looking for a way to create a To-Do list along side the GC, I found that GC has a feature which allows us to add gadget in it. One of the gadget is the Evernote gadget. (to learn how   
Once I added the Evernote in my GC, now I can keep track of my to-do list which I created in the Evernote program. Their combination is a perfect solution for people like me who has bad memory!
Now, as long as I can access the internet, and provided that I didn't forget my Evernote log in identity, I'll have the superb memory just like elephant :)


Monday, December 5, 2011

Persimmon (柿子)

I still remember that when I was little, I once asked my mum "why you never bought the new-year fruit?" after I saw persimmon in our neighbor's house. Back then I don't know the name of the fruit and so I called it new-year fruit because it is available when near the Chinese New Year. My mum said it is too expensive when compared to other common fruits like apple or orange. So it worth more to have two apples or oranges than only one persimmon for the same price.
Perhaps my mum has planted in me the thought that I should go for persimmon when the price is comparable to  other fruits. Of cause, we should never overlook the influence parents could have on their children. Even for some small matter which we don't think it may bother anyone, but it could still have the potential to shape the way the children perceive the world, even in their later life.

In Japan, the season of persimmon is around the end of autumn. And that is when the Jusco near the dormitory we are staying starts to sell the fruit in a large quantity with very affordable price. 99 yen each to be precise. The conversion rate to RM of cause will make it seems expensive. But when considering the salary of Japanese, it is like RM1 each.
Btw, by far I am referring to the smaller specie one shown in the photo. As for the larger one, I've never seen it at Jusco. It's a souvenir my wife received from her colleague who recently went outstation and bought it at the place of the business trip. According to her colleague, the fruit isn't available else where. So this is a very rare opportunity to taste such a big persimmon.
As you may see, it is about the size of a big apple. But what really make it so irresistible to me are the sweet taste and the crunchy bite. By 'and' I really mean it like in a math's definition - the two conditions 'sweet' and 'crunchy' must be present for the 'irresistible' to be true. We can easily find a sweet persimmon even among the the smaller specie one, but the bite never feel like the apple-liked crunch. It is only with the big persimmon that I learnt that the fruit can be crunchy as well. And to me, the crunchy feeling is way better than the Apple's one because the hardness is just nice.