Well, remember the conclusion I've made in one of the previous post about Japanese girl's posing? They like to show "peace" sign right?
(Yes I know that in the previous post I called it "winning" sign, but that is in Malaysia. In Japan when they show their pointing and middle fingers, it means "peace!!" I've just learned this from my Japanese Language teacher)
Anyway, in order not to get the "peace!!" I captured this shot without prior notice. I like this picture more because it is so spontaneous, captured the expression of the girl that is so real, something cannot be prearranged.
As a photographer, I think one has to had the gut to take risk like this. I called it a risk because no one know what will happen next. Do you interested to know what give me such courage to take such risk? Here is the story...
Do you know Kris Phillips (费翔), a Taiwanese singer. He once shared a very interesting real-life story when being interviewed in a TV show, which is very inspiring to me, and thus I think I should share it to others as well...
In the interview, he brought a black-and-white photograph of a lady walking on a street (that means it's a very old photograph before colour photo is available). Apparently, the photo was taken without prior permission of the lady, as her looks was so spontaneous and fierce, as if she is being very angry on the camera man for shooting her picture.
Then Kris revealed that the lady in the photo is his mother, and that the camera man who took the picture at the cost of having a pair of fierce eyes glaring at him is his father. At this point I guess you can already tell what happen next after the candid photography incident... eventually the lady and the man get to know each other and then...
Here is the point (not from me, but from Kris):
"When you are getting an unfriendly response from a girl, you should not be too bother about it. Don't be too sad. It doesn't means you stand absolutely no chance at all. Because no one can really tell what will happen next."
So that is the words from Kris. I apply it in photography to capture moment, while for many of you guys (yes, this post is especially dedicated to male readers), I hope this do help you in sometimes of your life.